Thursday, August 1, 2013

Guest Blogger: Gran/Mom/Deb Rogers

(Not sure why the Google Blogger Gods decided to re-post Indigo's Thanksgiving turkey in July, but some of you commented on the nice reminder to feel gratitude in the midst of summer bounty - good stuff! -KL)

This is it! My first attempt at blogging! I cannot come close to the creative and entertaining installments written by my daughter. Grammy Suzan did a splendid job with her Haiku. And Dan - well, what can I say? His had a more youthful vibe than Gran/Mom/Deb can muster. So I am going back to basics - my A,B,C's.  Hope you have as much fun as Chris, Deb, Chip and Kate did with Jason, Kim and Indigo on OUR Alaska Adventure (July 2013).  

A is for Alaskan king crab, antlers and AJ's Oldtown Steakhouse and Tavern
Dinner at AJ's.

B is for birthdays (J's 38th and Chris' 67th), beaches and BIG brown bears (like the one lumbering down the dirt road behind the Leslies' house one evening!
Brown bear lovin'.

C is for Captain Underwear and cheez waffles 
Captain Underwear and Princess Popcorn with Hot Lava Girl.
D is for dip-netting, daylight (until midnight)  
E is for eagles and earthquakes (a 4+ magnitude during one of our first nights)  
F is for fireweed (gorgeous and purple and everywhere), fjords and flat tire (which didn't stop Ice Cream Newton for long)
Holgate Glacier in Kenai Fjords.
Gran and Grandfather hike through fireweed meadows.

G is for glaciers, goats, go-carts and gift shops (which enticed Indigo wherever we went) 

H is for hiking (almost killed us), Homer and Hobo Jim
Not dead yet! (Indigo as photographer)

I is for INDIGO (our favorite grandchild) and Iditarod sled-dogs
Loving each other up at St. Elias.
J is for junior ranger (which Indigo became this summer) and J (my favorite son-in-law)  
K is for Kenai, Kingfisher, kickball games and KIM (my favorite daughter)  
L is for Leslie family (terrific hosts) and lynx (spotted by Indigo on our hike)  
M is for mosquitos, Moose On the Loose bakery, REAL Mama moose and her two calves and Mermaid bookstore  
N is for nature and National Parks 
Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park.

O is for otters, Odie's and Orca Explorer (our Kenai Fjords vessel)  
P is for puffins, porpoises, playground, pickles, pizza and The Princess and the Popstar ( from whose soundtrack a certain song performed by Indigo will forever be imprinted in our memory - for better or worse!)  
Q is for QUALITY family time
Play time at home.

Getting WILD late night on the beach.

R is for river ( the blue Kenai), rabbits and rocks (Gran's favorite gray and white striped ones) on the beach  
S is for slack line, sea lions, St. Elias, spiral staircases, sailing (Chris' birthday treat from/with Kim and Chip,  and of course, SALMON ( hundreds of thousands per day) swimming upstream
Preparing to sail.

Happy Birthday!

T is for tour ( a six hour tour - think Gilligan's Island theme song adapted to our family's names), Two Sisters' Bakery and tire swing  
U is for urchin, underwear in unusual places and unplugged (which we were for most of our trip)
I spy underwear on the moose antlers???

V is for Veronica's and views (magnificent and on a grand scale)  
W is for whales (orcas and humpbacks) and waders (pretty blue ones worn by Kim had a leak)  
X is for X-rays ( no injuries, just airport security)  
Y is for Yukon Charlie ( you've probably heard of him somewhere recently)  
Z is for ZigZag (the Leslie family's cool cat) and ZZZ's ( or lack thereof, during our travels)
Sneaking some ZZZ's.
Guest Blogger Gran/Mom/Deb Rogers

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