Monday, April 2, 2018

Chutes and Cleats

CHUTES AND CLEATS. You all remember the board game, "Chutes and Ladders," right? Rescue a kitten from a tree and you get to climb up up up towards the winner space... Break a cookie jar and you have to slide down down down towards the beginning space. But heck, it was a slide! And slides are wicked fun! So it was all good! Brilliant, Mr. Bradley, simply brilliant.

This Easter weekend, Team Leslie played a live action version of the game but we're calling it "Chutes and Cleats." Strap those funny, stretchy, spiky, thingies over your boots, and you get to climb up and up and up the winter Lost Lake Trail above Seward. (Stay a few nights at the Dale Clemens cabin, and then...) Grab an industrial sized trash bag, wait for the sun to heat up the trail and make it a bit soft and slushy, and you can slide down down down in record time. Even the grown-ups couldn't help but hoot and holler with the best of them. Because slides are wicked fun!
Note the cleats left over from the climb... and the trash bags, worn like a diaper, to help on the chute!

Eat your heart out, broken cookie jar chute... we're headed all the way to the bay!

Chutes and cleats wasn't the only game played on top of the world... a fabulous frisbee toss (128 consecutive catches), three egg hunts and some nail biting Exploding Kittens rounded out the venture with friends. 

And yes, somehow the Easter Bunny did know to deliver Indigo's basket to the backcountry. Phew! 
Cheers to a playful Spring!

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