Saturday, December 15, 2018

Smiles + Love from Afar

SMILES + LOVE FROM AFAR. Things are looking pretty festive in these parts! Local businesses are taking great efforts to decorate and illuminate every nook and cranny of town as the final descent into darkness comes. And we finally got our first real dump of snow here at sea level, so the landscape looks brighter and our hearts are lighter. A handful of scenes from our Alaskan world:

Not many places that you can see a salmon tree!

Indigo picks out our little guy in the forest...

and burns her letter to Santa so the smoke can take her wishes to the North Pole.

With the Sun at its apex in the sky, we get outside and soak in as much as we can.

Kim heads to the Post Office with boxes of Fireweed Jelly, Low Bush Cranberry Sauce and a new culinary (?) venture...

And on that note, CHEERS to family and friends everywhere!

Love, Kim, J and Indigo

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