Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Absolute Zero

ABSOLUTE ZERO. So most of us use degrees Fahrenheit when referring to temperature, right? As in, "Oooh, Kim, it's too bad you don't live in New Hampshire. It's in the 70's here today and the fall leaves just look spectacular." And a few of you might have jumped on the far more logical Celsius band wagon and instead be enjoying a balmy 21 degrees as you grill out in your backyard, basking in some fine, fall weather. Finally, some of the more science savvy among you might be familiar with yet another unit of measurement for temperature:  Kelvin. Kelvin goes as low as is physically possible, all the way down to absolute zero. Entropy at its minimum value. No thermal energy at all. To give you a feel for how cold we're talking, the conversion looks like this:  0 Kelvin equals = negative 460 degrees Fahrenheit. F-ing cold. 

Now the reason I bring this up is because we, here in Alaska, have not been enjoying balmy anything in October. Ice Cream Newton's thermometer read 5 degrees Fahrenheit this morning when I drove Indigo to preschool at 9 AM. That's negative 15 degrees Celsius, and I know it's a matter of mere days before we drop into the negatives on both scales. Well, as a generally, positive-minded soul (They don't call me "Susie Sunshine" for nothing), I've decided that using Kelvin will make the whole darn freezing situation up here a bit more bearable. Keeping things in the black, if you will.

So (drum roll, please), right now, in Kenai, Alaska, it is a whopping 260 Kelvin. Ha! We're steamin', baby. J, fire up the barbecue! Me, I'll find the burger patties as soon as I can get Indigo's tongue unstuck from this flagpole...

Indigo, INSIDE, "sticking" to warmer adventures

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