Thursday, November 1, 2012


Thank you Granddad and Granise!
FROZEN TREATS. A combination of crystal clear skies and freezing temperatures over the last few weeks have created six inch plus sheets of glass on our ponds and lakes... amazing. Growing up in New Hampshire I did my fair share of pond skating, but this was surreal. In many areas, there were no cracks or bubbles to give you a feel for depth... you just saw right through to the plants and sandy bottom. Am I on ice or miraculously walking on water?  And then, as the sun set, the moon rose, and temperatures shifted even colder, these powerful, deep, punches of sound would travel through the ice and slam the far shores (scaring the bejeezits out of us). Indigo, undeterred, took advantage of this frozen treat to learn how to skate!
Guys, I'm only 3... I need a snack break!

Ahhhh YES.

Do I look like Daddy?

Did you ever play hockey, Mama? (No.)

Well, I play hockey.

Moonrise. (That's ice, people.)
TRUNK or TREAT. I first believed this to be an Alaskan phenomenon but have since heard word that it is practiced in the lower forty-eight as well... the awkwardly spirited "trunk or treat." Yes, just like it sounds, folks park their cars in one lot, decorate the trunks, fill them with candy, and invite little ones to visit and request their sweets. I can tell you that Indigo made out like a bandit in a remarkably short time. Perfect for the super cold coupled with a skimpy princess outfit. She had to work for it though; these Alaska State Trooper types are a tough bunch.

Officer: "What do you say, little girl?"
Indigo: "You say it, Mama."
Officer: "Come on, you can do it, what do you say?"
Indigo (hiding behind my legs): "You say it, Mama... pleeeeease."
Kim (with a big smile and LOTS of enthusiasm): "Trunk or Treat!!!"
Officer: "Nope, if the little lady wants a treat, then she needs to say it herself."
Kim: "You gentlemen are our first stop at our first ever trunk or treat - I think she's just getting warmed up..."
Officer: "Well, she's gotta start asking for candy then!"
Indigo (barely visible): "Trunk or treat."

"I'm getting the hang of this..."
FRESHIE TREAT. I failed to mention in my last post that J found some October turns on fresh snow here on the peninsula. Knock on wood, the streak is in the clear for now...

Another foot of this stuff and I'll be golden (with a headlamp on).

GROWN-UP TREATS. As in those fun, black-lit, blue gin and tonics. And glow stick dance parties. And ridiculous outfits. We've got to do something in the dark and cold, right?

Glacier blue, baby.
Dance par-tay.

Behold: Disco J. (And you thought the trike was hot.)

TRICK or TREAT. Yup, we did the good old fashioned kind, too.

KIND fairy princess.

WICKED witch of the west.

Spooky neighborhood.

Two Disney princesses: Indigo and her preschool teacher, Ms. Kelly.
CHRISTMAS TREAT?!?! As of last week (yes, that was before Halloween), our entire town was decorated for Christmas. Street lampposts, trees, public buildings, cheesy polar bear figurines... you name it, it's lit up and spreading good cheer. NOW. Yikes. Apparently the town employees are under order to get the job done before it's too cold and windy to be up in those bucket trucks. Merry Halloween, everyone.
Every lamppost.

"We've got spirit, yes we do..."

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